Exploring innovative monitoring and evaluation practices tailored for genderbased violence programmes

Exploring innovative monitoring and evaluation practices tailored for genderbased violence programmes

In the Syrian context, where the conflict has lasted for more than nine years, gender-based violence (GBV) is an inevitable consequence. GBV is widely spread, especially among vulnerable groups such as women, children, elderly, and people with disability. Although there is a large number of GBV projects, the effectiveness of these projects or their relevance to reality is not clear and is hard to measure.

In response to the call made by Elrha’s HIF to explore the practices used to measure the impact of gender-based violence projects in Syria, and to draw out potential innovations, the consortium implemented activities over six months. The project activities included two questionnaires, focus group discussions (8 groups, 4 in Syria and 4 in Turkey) and key informant interviews (16 interviews, 11 in Syria and 5 in Turkey).