A Holistic Approach to Survival

A Holistic Approach to Survival

The paper relied on the research experiences of the “Women Now for Development” to show how this transformative strategy depends on creating a collective space for sharing ideas and impressions between the researchers (on the fields) and the partners participating in the interviews.

This research paper is part of the research project KnowWar (Knowledge Production in Times of Flight and War – Developing Common Grounds for Research in/on Syria) is a cooperative project between the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the Department of Development Studies at the University of Vienna, the NGO Mousawat, the Centre for Development Studies at Birzeit University, and the Centre for Peace Research and Peace Education at the Alps-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt.

By foregrounding Syrian women’s readings, analyses, and strategies of research, the research proposes ‘a holistic approach to survival’ as a transformative research strategy under the conditions of mass displacement and war.

The authors propose a holistic approach to survival as a transformative research strategy by foregrounding Syrian women’s readings, analyses, and strategies of research under the conditions of mass displacement and war. Knowledge producers united around issues such as forced disappearance and foregrounding of women’s voices in public debates. The pain was turned into action, and the collective led the process of research and defined its purpose and strategies.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://women-now.org/report/A-holistic-approach-to-survival.08.2022.pdf”]