Bassel Shahede (Kawla Alazour) School

Bassel Shahede (Kawla Alazour) School


Sadly one of the largest victims of the Syrian conflict has been the Syrian children. Children have been forced to flee their homes in search of refugee in other parts of Syria or in neighboring countries. As a result, children have been forced to stop attending school and many work to help support their families. Without an education Syrian children will become even more vulnerable to the consequences of war and violence.

The Project:

In June 2013 Women Now “SFD” assisted in opening the Bassel Shahede School in the Jalloum neighborhood of Aleppo. The school is located inside the building of an old traditional school and is made up of twelve classrooms, a library, and a large courtyard. The Jalloum area of Aleppo was largely abandoned from 2012-2013 and was the victim of many shelling attacks. The opening of this school was an important step in helping the neighborhood to return to normal.
The standard Syrian curriculum is taught in the school; however, all ideological subjects normally imposed by the regime were removed from the curriculum.
From June to September 2013, 150 primary school children attended classes to prepare them to return to normal schooling after a period of absence. During the summer these children also benefited from different activities, such as celebrating the festival of Eid, theater workshops, and film screenings. When the 2013-2014 school year began in October the school welcomed 340 students.
The school has benefited a total of 490 children.

Project Details

  • Date: June 15, 2015
  • Categories: Suport of Income Generating Activities
  • Project Dates: January 2015 to present
  • Local Partner: group of syrian women refugies
  • Targeted Area: Maidal Anjar, Lebanon
  • Number of beneficiaries: 6 women and their families